its your health
Category:“In the coming decades, the most important determinants of health and longevity will be the personal choices made by each individual.”
The Journal of the American Medical Association

I just listened to a very powerful testimony by someone who found himself faced with serious health problems. He had reached a fork in the road regarding choices about what to do about these health problems. Allowing stress, a bad diet, and a lack of exercise to be the dominant factors that led him to this place made him begin to realize it was time to take control of his own health.
I loved his story as it truly had a happy ending. Wanting to have quality time with his family was a great motivation. Realizing that drugs simply mask the symptoms, he chose the nutrition way to health and took charge of his diet, exercise, and stress levels. He also began a supplement program that filled the voids his diet could not provide. His major change in diet included choosing low glycemic foods along with plant foods loaded with vitamins, nutrients, and phytochemicals. He chose to eat 3-4 servings of fruit per day, 6-8 servings of green vegetables, raw, not roasted nuts and seeds in their natural state along with 100% stone ground whole wheat, and organic fresh foods. Understanding that soil depletion has created loss of nutrients, he chose his supplements wisely.
Another story that caught my attention was about a gentleman who went for his yearly check-up with his doctor and was told that it was time for him to be put on a statin drug for his cholesterol. Confused, he asked the doctor why since his cholesterol was at a normal range. The doctor simply told him that he put everyone who reached 60 on this statin. The gentleman replied, “I don’t think so as there is a higher risk of Alzheimer’s, lower CoQ10 liver damage, memory loss and confusion, Type 2 diabetes, and muscle weakness (for certain statins). In fact just last year, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced it would be requiring additional warning labels for statin drugs.” The doctor did not know that and also added that taking supplements was not necessary as there was no clinical proof that they helped. That was when the gentleman told the doctor that actually there was the Landmark study done by UC Berkeley which clearly shows not just the benefits of taking them but that one brand, in particular, has remarkable benefits. Needless to say, this gentleman left without the prescription!
Since each of us has unique health concerns, a wellness plan designed specifically to help you achieve optimal results has actually been developed. It harnesses the work of award-winning doctors and scientists to create a customized nutrition plan for you that includes health insights and recommendations based on your answers. Ask me how to get your own personalized health builder and begin your own journey to a healthier you!
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