The Gift of Nature

Category: Healthy World

With the beautiful fall weather now arriving, what a wonderful time to spend outdoors.  I recently read in the Healthy Child Healthy World Blog an article that really focuses on this […]

Telomeres and Anti-Aging

Category: Healthy Aging

 Jon Kabat-Zinn, author of Coming to Our Senses ~ Healing Ourselves and the World Through Mindfulness… “The journey toward health and sanity is nothing less than an invitation to wake up […]

Are You At Risk For Alzheimer’s?

Category: Brain Health

June is Alzheimer’s and Brain awareness month. It’s a time to recognize to take charge of your brain health and join the fight to end Alzheimer’s and other types of dementia. […]

Stress Can Age Us

Category: Healthy Aging

In thinking about this my first question that came up, “Can this be reversed?” We all want to feel like we are in control and want to slow our biological […]

Are You a Super Ager?

Category: Brain Health

73 million boomers are hitting their 80’s! Perhaps that is why the emphasis on medical advances on how to expand the opportunity to live longer and longer lives and conquering […]