A Worthy Cause
Several years ago I met a wonderful woman, Tera Thomas, who has devoted her life to provide a lifetime home for animals that have been rescued. Her non profit sanctuary is called Hummingbird Farm and is located in Pittsboro, NC.
Because Shaklee is dedicated to the Earth by providing safe, eco-friendly products for over 65 years and Tera believes strongly in deepening the understanding, respect, and relationship between all living beings and the natural world. it became a great partnership. Shaklee provided her a free website dedicated to her farm. Anyone who orders from this website will be helping Hummingbird Farm as a small percentage of each sale goes to the Farm to help with the expenses of feeding and housing these animals and Mother Earth is helped by those using these safe eco-friendly products in their homes.
Tera’s dream began in 1998 and has grown to 49 acres of beautiful land, bordered by the Rocky River. In these next few paragraphs Tera goes on to explain her vision:
“I did not find this land, truly it found me as the dream was here already, seeded many generations ago and waiting to unfold and blossom. In an area where development is now rampant, Hummingbird Farm’s 49 acres is surrounded by protected land. Nowhere on the property can you see another house. This land is vibrant and sacred, with pastures for the animals, woods with trails through them, bordered by the Rocky River.
Hummingbird Farm is a space of peace and harmony where all beings are listened to, respected, and asked to participate. It is an example of the peace we can create in our world and reminds us of our connection to all life. We teach classes to assist people to open to their sacred connection to all of life through Animal Communication, Shamanism, Reiki Healing, Earth Awareness, and we hold ceremonies to celebrate the Earth and our connection to all the species who share this planet with us.”
The Farm sponsors a meditation on the Solstices and Equinoxes to focus on the vision of living in a world of peace where all beings acknowledge their connection to each other and work together with mutual respect and harmony. There are people from all over the world participating in this meditation. A free quarterly newsletter that prints stories and ideas to keep people connected to this dream is published quarterly. New workshops and community events to help bring people into the awareness of the healing potential of partnership between humans and animals have been created. (Because of Covid restrictions classes have not been conducted; however, when that is lifted, classes will resume).
In closing I will include Tera’s own words: “One of the things I am learning is that my dreams are merely seeds and that I don’t have a clear view of the big picture—it is often far better than I could have imagined it. So I am always open to the suggestions of the animals, the land, and spirit. I know that some wonderful things are in store for all of us and I am grateful and excited to watch it unfold. We need your participation to strengthen and build this vision. We welcome your ideas, suggestions, wild dreams, experiences, and your financial contributions.”
Should you want to donate to Hummingbird Farm just go here and place your order and a portion of that sale will be sent to Tera. Thanks for your help! For more information about the Farm go here.
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