A Child’s World…is it safe enough?

Category: Allergies

Several years ago I was introduced to the idea of actually using products in my home that were non-toxic. Although I had already raised my children and unfortunately exposed them […]


Category: Healthy Home

Several years ago I was introduced to environmentally-safe non-toxic cleaners. Having been raised in a family that only used Tide and Ajax and especially chlorine bleach, this was a big […]

Today is World Oceans Day

Category: Healthy Home

The purpose of World Oceans Day…..to inform people of the “impact of human actions on the ocean”, “develop a worldwide movement of citizens for the ocean”, and “mobilize and unite […]

A Worthy Cause

Category: Healthy Home

Several years ago I met a wonderful woman, Tera Thomas, who has devoted her life to provide a lifetime home for animals that have been rescued. Her non profit sanctuary […]

Making Our Homes Safe

Category: Healthy Home

It seems like yesterday that I read about little Colette Chuda, age 5, who suddenly became stricken with Wilm’s Tumor, cancer that unfortunately took her life. The parents wanted to […]

My Virtual Grocery Store

Category: Earn Online

Over 25 years ago when I began ordering certain items online from a particular company, I never imagined that today I would be depending upon that source to help keep […]

My 7 Steps of Prevention

Category: Exercise

Prevention is described as to keep from happening or to be in readiness for.  Here are my own personal  “7 steps” of prevention that I feel have made a difference […]

Are You Living Consciously?

Category: Healthy Home

“Going Green” is something we all experience in different ways.  For many, becoming pregnant or looking into your child’s eyes for the first time can trigger this.  Others are moved […]